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Zork in PHP

Ran across this verzion of Zork done in PHP. Watch out for grues!

Sudoku of the Day

Sudoku puzzles are a great mental challenge. Basically they are the numerical equivalent of crossword puzzles. The Sudoku site has a nice how-to on solving the puzzles.

Filmwise Invisibles

Filmwise Invisibles – There’s a new quiz every Monday that shows stills from eight different movies, with the actors removed “invisible man” style, leaving you to identify the scene from the clothing or scenery. A great way to start the… Read More »Filmwise Invisibles

80’s music quiz

80’s Lyrics Quiz: People are What? I always found it very difficult to name artists/title… these are the songs everyone always mumbles along with in the car. Do you know them as well as you think you do?

Jews Rock

Jew or Not? Some of the following 20 pop idols are Jewish. Some are not. Your job: figure out which are which.

Daily Dancer

It’s great when the young folks share their passion with the world. Thanks DD!