Death by Caffeine
How much Dr. Pepper will it take to kill you? Will you fare any better with Mr. Pibb? Thanks to Death by Caffeine, I learned that I can only drink 266 cans of Dr. Pepper before the caffeine does me… Read More »Death by Caffeine
How much Dr. Pepper will it take to kill you? Will you fare any better with Mr. Pibb? Thanks to Death by Caffeine, I learned that I can only drink 266 cans of Dr. Pepper before the caffeine does me… Read More »Death by Caffeine
What do you get when you combine a random Family Circus cartoon and a random Nietzsche quote? The Nietzsche Family Circus. You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only… Read More »The Nietzsche Family Circus
OK, I know it’s last month’s fad, but it still makes me smile:
Wierd Al’s White and Nerdy is my new favorite song:
Take a camera, set it for a long exposure, point it at a light source, and toss it into the air. The results are astounding, when done right!
In the great Turnpike Prank, John Hagrave of Zug finds out who will break first, the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority or Mariah Carrey.
Stuff on My Cat – for those who love to put stuff on their cats.
What trip to NYC would be complete without a visit to Ghostbusters HQ? What’s that? You don’t know were it is? How about Dana Barrett’s Apartment? With the Google Maps Guide to Ghostbusters you’ll be on your way to all… Read More »The Google Maps Guide to Ghostbusters
This site has pictures developed from rolls of film that were in vintage cameras bought by the webmaster. The pictures on them were forgotten or lost by those who took them, and are now brought to life many decades later.… Read More »Found Film
I just ran across Mail Order Chickens again- the site for people who love chickens. Can you make a difference today?