Jeremy Allison leaves HP to go to Novell
Allison is the chief engineer of Samba. Novell is really moving along nicely in their SUSE Linux offerings, and this won’t hurt that one bit!
Allison is the chief engineer of Samba. Novell is really moving along nicely in their SUSE Linux offerings, and this won’t hurt that one bit!
From Om Malik’s weblog: If you love OS-X, then there is more good news coming your way, thanks to yeoman’s effort by Benjamin Kowarsch, the genius who developed an OS-X installer for Asterisk, the open source PBX system. (You can… Read More »VoIP growls on OS X
Should be interesting, although I favored Sipura’s wares over Linksys – I wonder if they will lock them to a VoIP vendor like the existing Linksys ATAs or keep them open? From the press release: Cisco Systems today announced a… Read More »VoIP: Cisco buys Sipura for Linksys
Interesting gadget from Buslink provides GPRS and WiFi via USB: Quick & Easy to connect: Simply plug into any PCs w/ USB port for Wireless LAN connection or slide in your cell phone’s removable SIM card – Features Wireless Network… Read More »Buslink USB GPRS/WiFi adapter
I ran across this interesting article on configuring the isolinux.cfg on ZenWorks imaging CDs to allow booting to the local hard drive after a timeout.
There is a new font out called Read Regular, that has the interesting goal of making it easier for dyslexic people to read. From the looks of the samples, it should be easier to distinguish a b from a d.… Read More »Font fights dyslexia
Apparently they can’t release the report right now due to restrictions on government announcements during an open election, but the preliminary findings released so far sound good. From the Register story: “The landmark report will show that OSS can be… Read More »New report to say that schools save $ with open source software
The StompBox (Mobile 3G/WiFi Router Project) caught my eye as being one of those projects that is truly cool and makes a huge difference in the creator’s use of technology. I can’t wait until there is an $80 Linksys device… Read More »StompBox – Mobile 3G/WiFi Router Project
My earlier post on the Buffalo TeraStation has been one of the biggest draws to my blog to date. Obviously a lot on interest on it! At least, enough for someone to set up a Wiki on hacking (or working… Read More »Terastation update
The University of Missouri is testing a program called Qualrus, that scores student essays. Sounds like it will save teaching staff a lot of time, but how long is it until the students develop a program that writes essays Qualrus… Read More »Essays marked by computer program