My terminal server started refusing to issue new Terminal Server licenses, and when I went to look at the Terminal Server Manager, my licensing server was shown with the dreaded red “X” through it.“ Clicking on it to re-connect to it or Activate it, I got the error message “The RD Licensing Manager encountered an internal error from the license server. Message Number: 0xc0110011”
All of the solutions listed wanted you to uninstall the Terminal Services Licensing Service from your server and re-install it.“ This would have required a couple of reboots and taken way longer than I wanted to have the system down.“ Fortunately I came across a better solution that was quick and easy:
Start regedit and delete the following keys:
HKey Local Machine\Software\Microsoft\TermServLicensing\Certificates.
HKey Local Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\services\TermservLicensing\Parameters\Certificates.000
H Key Local Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\services\TermservLicensing\Parameters\Certificates.001
Then stop and restart the service and you’re back in business!
This worked for me, great post, thank you!!
worked, 2008, 2008 R2