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Linux Torrents

Ran across this week. It’s a comprehensive list of torrents for Linux distributions. It’s useful for me because the torrent search sites I use to find Linux torrents keep shutting down (because of legal reasons) or are blocked by… Read More »Linux Torrents

Page ‘O Ports

I’ve been doing some network troubleshooting, and with my limited/forgetful memory of what ports are used for what, Kurt Seifried’s port lookup page is a lifesaver. It has a total of 8,457 ports listed, and has some nice explanations on… Read More »Page ‘O Ports

Page ‘O Ports

I’ve been doing some network troubleshooting, and with my limited/forgetful memory of what ports are used for what, Kurt Seifried’s port lookup page is a lifesaver. It has a total of 8,457 ports listed, and has some nice explanations on… Read More »Page ‘O Ports

Nice DNS and Reverse lookup page

I recently needed to do some alternating DNS and IP lookups recently, and this lookup page let me do both without having to switch between pages – very useful!

The TAO of Backup

The TAO of Backup was forwarded to me recently, and while it has a blatant plug at the end, it is thought provoking on the needs for secure and reliable backups.