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Fun Distractions

BP underwater robot cam

I don’t know if this is exactly a “Fun” distraction, but watching the live video feeds from the underwater robots trying to fix the oil leak has been extremely addictive.“ “ “  So fun score = 0, distraction score = 100.

Star Wars the ASCII way

Enjoy the Star Wars saga, rendered entirely in ASCII animation. I only wish I had this much time on my hands – perhaps I can do the Clone Wars when I retire.

All I Want for Christmas…..

The Dungeons & Dragons Complete Cartoon Series will be out December 5th, making it the perfect present for the geek (or ex-geek) on your list.

Coin Stacking

Mitch Fincher describes coin stacking as “a fun hobby for kids, college students and adults.” He included tutorials on how to get started, allowing you to get up to speed on building cantilevered structures with Pennies. Most amazing are the… Read More »Coin Stacking


Take the two geekiest things you can think of, D&D and Legos. Combine them togetherand shake vigorously – the result is BrickQuest. Just remember, I get to be the BrickMaster, OK?

What’s that Bug?

So, you have found a weird looking critter around the house, and once you stop screaming want to know if it will eat your children. Who ya gonna call?, of course. These guys will tell you what you have… Read More »What’s that Bug?

Flags of the World

How well do you know the flags of the world? This game allows you to put you knowledge to the test, giving you hints including: maps, neighbors, contenents and national alntems (big help that is!). But be careful – each… Read More »Flags of the World