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Page ‘O Ports

I’ve been doing some network troubleshooting, and with my limited/forgetful memory of what ports are used for what, Kurt Seifried’s port lookup page is a lifesaver. It has a total of 8,457 ports listed, and has some nice explanations on… Read More »Page ‘O Ports

Page ‘O Ports

I’ve been doing some network troubleshooting, and with my limited/forgetful memory of what ports are used for what, Kurt Seifried’s port lookup page is a lifesaver. It has a total of 8,457 ports listed, and has some nice explanations on… Read More »Page ‘O Ports

Nice DNS and Reverse lookup page

I recently needed to do some alternating DNS and IP lookups recently, and this lookup page let me do both without having to switch between pages – very useful!

isolinux.cfg tweak for bootable CDs

I ran across this interesting article on configuring the isolinux.cfg on ZenWorks imaging CDs to allow booting to the local hard drive after a timeout.