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Free VMWare Server?

CNet predicted that “VMware… will begin giving away one of its key products for free”, and it seems to be true! The “key product” is GSX server – their “lower end” software that runs on a Windows or Linux server.… Read More »Free VMWare Server?


I’ve been very interested in the series Linux Journal has been running on NX. They describe it as: “a new technology that allows one to run remote X11 sessions across slow or low-bandwidth network connections. User experience with NX is… Read More »NX


Novell has recently “opened” their development of SUSE Linux, creating a project called Open SUSE To clarify what Novell means when it says it is “opening” SUSE, Mancusi-Ungaro says “SUSE Linux is already open from a code perspective. [It] has… Read More »Open SUSE

Linux Torrents

Ran across this week. It’s a comprehensive list of torrents for Linux distributions. It’s useful for me because the torrent search sites I use to find Linux torrents keep shutting down (because of legal reasons) or are blocked by… Read More »Linux Torrents

Linux versus XP on the desktop

The Register has an interesting article about Linux vs. Win XP adoption on the desktop in England. The most interesting part is the results, of course (.PDF file)