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October 2007 – best month to date

As October is officially over, I thought I’d share my October 2007 income results. This month the sites pulled in $80.13, almost 30% more than the previous high month (August 2007 @ $49.05). Here is the breakdown by income stream:

Adsense: $34.21
eBook Sales: $44.87
Amazon Affiliate: $0.
CJ Affiliates: $0.
WidgetBucks: $1.05

All time highs for both Adsense and eBooks. I think Jenny McCarthy’s media blitz really helped the eBook sales and traffic to the Autism/gluten-free cooking site considerably. I’m happy to say I finally have a month where I made over $1/day with AdSense, a goal I set for the 2nd month of being online – it’s six months late, but at least I finally made it.

WidgetBucks is a new advertiser that I started with about 1/2 way through October. I already have $1.52 for Nov, and hope to see steady increases as the months go on. If so, it will be my 1st decent profit on an affiliate program so far. I have made NOTHING through Commission Junction despite averaging over 30K ad impressions per month. I thought I had some great product placement in October, however I only had a click through rate of 0.22% and no conversions… pathetic! Hopefully WidgetBucks’ run-in with Google won’t come back to bite me in the butt!

Other October highlights include PageRank promotions of both and to 3 (from 1 and 2 respectively). I’m pretty jazzed about that, especially since many blogs took a huge PR hit this update. We continued to see a slow steady trickle of traffic from being posting on National Review’s Corner Blog, although nothing like the 3K hits we got in 2 days at the end of September. I think it helped bring our average RSS reader count up to 18. Finally, we hit the magic $100 number in our adsense account, so we’ll be getting a nice Christmas bonus from Google in December.

The most interesting observation is that I’ve had my best financial month ever, yet my traffic either stayed flat or dropped (depending on the site). I think there were two main things that brought that about. First, the Jenny McCarthy thing really drove more targeted traffic to Woggle-Bug. People were really looking for what we had and the cookbook eBook sales reflect it. Second, I dropped about 1/3 of my competitive ad filter from my AdSense settings. I got a lot more $0.01 clicks, but also a lot more clicks overall, boosting my total revenue for AdSense. This month I’ll weed through the rest of the list and see if the trend continues. I’m definitely skeptical of blocking the low-paying clicks after October’s income improvement.

Future plans: With my next major goal being $300/month, I’m hoping to make math work in my favor 🙂 . With two active sites (I really haven’t monetized this one much) making an average of $1.36 a day, I’ll need 18 sites to hit the $300/month goal. Assuming we can keep performance like October’s going, I could do it with 7 sites. My goal for November is to get two more sites up and running, and post more regularly to this one (so I can monetize it as well). The new sites will be a Mormon Clip Art site (which I’m seeing fairly low CPM ads for so far, but I’m hopeful to find other revenue streams) and the re-birth of our Removing Cat Pee site (which I lost in a bad server crash). I may also try my hand at another couple of eBooks, as we’re having some great success with the Gluten Free Cookbooks. I know it will take a while to get the sites fully populated with content and making decent money, but getting the structure in place will be the first step!

0 thoughts on “October 2007 – best month to date”

  1. Pingback: cStar Systems » November ‘07 earnings report

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