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Identity Manager (or not!)

This summer we installed Identity Manager on one of our NetWare boxes, and anticipated loads of extra free time from a reduced user management work

  1. Allow for user password self-service
  2. Sync GroupWise passwords with NDS passwords
  3. Import staff accounts into AD from NDS

Users expect to be able to reset their own passwords with a challenge-response system. So far this part of the system is working great – however we haven’t rolled it out across all users as we need to develop some training so that when the 1st day that logging in will ask you to answer questions comes that users know what to do.

The other two options could prove to be significant time savers. Having GroupWise sync with NDS – especially when initially creating users should reduce administration time quite a bit. AD sync will allow all of the millions of Windows apps that are AD aware to use the account info in AD and save boatloads of time by not requiring separate account administration.

In reality, I’m fairly disappointed with what we have so far…
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Datacenter upgrade

It’s finally starting to calm down from our datacenter upgrade. The new APC racks are in, the servers are all re-configured and installed in the racks. It’s been an incredible journey, and I for one am glad it’s nearly over.… Read More »Datacenter upgrade

Free & Cordless Skype

Unless you are living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about Skype offering free calls to the US and Canada for the rest of this year. While I think that open systems, based on SIP, like Project Gizmo are going to be the winners in the long run, you can’t beat free. With the free offer, I signed up for Skype, and tested it a bit with a wired headset. I was pretty impressed with the quality, but couldn’t see a lot of use for it day to day.

This weekend, however I was at Radio Shack to pick up some cable & a cordless phone to add an extension to my office. As they were having a store closing sale, I thought I’d checkto see if they had Hummer games cheap (they have a C64 on a chip in them, which I want to mod into a working C64 laptop/handheld). Right next to them, they had the Linksys cordless Skype phone. Coincidentilly, the sale price on the Linksys was the same as the spool of cable and the cordless I had in my hands. So I picked up the Linksys, took it home, and gave it whirl. Read More »Free & Cordless Skype

I’m not dead yet!

No, I’m not dead – just been keeping very busy personally & professionally. We just returned from Florida to have my daughter have more visits with Dr. Bradstreet for her Aspergers/Autism. We were down for two weeks and made really… Read More »I’m not dead yet!

Website Analysis – Google Analytics

If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make noise? If you have a great website, and no one goes to it, is it still a great website? The point is, if you don’t know who is going to your site, and why, you can’t adjust to your target audience.

I’ve looked at quite a few Website analysis products over the last couple of years. They have evolved from software you run on your log files, to little snippets of javascript you put on your site that report to a service provider who does all of the heavy lifting for you. Since I haven’t run an analysis on log files in a good 6 months, I’ll skip that category for today and focus on the hosted variety.

The software I’ve used the longest is Google Analytics, formerly Urchin. The fact that is now free is awesome, as I used to pay an arm and a leg for it. Read More »Website Analysis – Google Analytics

Novell Open Audio Podcasts

Novell has just announced Novell Open Audio – a series of podcasts hosted by ‘Reverend’ Ted Haeger, who spearheads Novell’s user community. The podcasts are billed as “focusing primarily on technical level discussions with product managers, engineers and others involved… Read More »Novell Open Audio Podcasts