Linux versus XP on the desktop
The Register has an interesting article about Linux vs. Win XP adoption on the desktop in England. The most interesting part is the results, of course (.PDF file)
The Register has an interesting article about Linux vs. Win XP adoption on the desktop in England. The most interesting part is the results, of course (.PDF file)
Another great walkthrough from the folks over at Novell’s Cool Solutions.
Came across an interesting tool called VNCon that gives VNC some lab management functionality. Here is a list of the main features included with VNCon: Computer Switching: Cycles through the list monitoring activity, and allowing you to take control or… Read More »VNCon – VNC for lab management
Internet Week has an interesting story about Microsoft’s aspirations to kill off Blackberry and make it’s upcoming Windows Mobile upgrade, code-named Magneto the kind of the handheld hill. The reasoning is there- why pay for Microsoft Exchange and RIM’s BlackBerry… Read More »Is Microsoft a BlackBerry Killer?
According to engadget, Verizon customers have started converting Sprint Treo 650s for use on Verizon’s network. If if people are willing to go through such effort to geth them to work, they must be good, right? Or are they just… Read More »Hacking Treo 650 for Verizon
According to eSchool News Online: “Kevin J. Martin, President Bush’s choice to lead the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) into a new era of digital transmissions, is a firm supporter of the eRate and other telecommunications programs that benefit education, according… Read More »New FCC chief friendly to schools
AstLinux 0.2.4 VoIP server is now available. I’ve looked at this as an alternate to Asterisk@Home. The nice thing about this distro is that it can be booted from Flash ROM, USB, or CD – making it possible to make… Read More »AstLinux VoIP server
It sounds like SpeakEasy will be announcing hosted VoIP with PBX-like features on Monday. The service, purpotedly aimed at businesses, should highlight Speakeasy’s advantage of being a high-speed ISP – being able to provide end-to-end quality of service, that other… Read More »Speakeasy to Launch Business VoIP
BBC News’ story has a strong focus on the educational aspects of the plan. Another interesting part of the plan is a “digital challenge” prize awarded to the local authority for giving universal online access to services – sounding similar… Read More »UK reveals 7 point plan to tackle their “digital divide”
BBC News’ story has a strong focus on the educational aspects of the plan. Another interesting part of the plan is a “digital challenge” prize awarded to the local authority for giving universal online access to services – sounding similar… Read More »UK reveals 7 point plan to tackle their “digital divide”