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Free & Cordless Skype

Unless you are living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about Skype offering free calls to the US and Canada for the rest of this year. While I think that open systems, based on SIP, like Project Gizmo are going to be the winners in the long run, you can’t beat free. With the free offer, I signed up for Skype, and tested it a bit with a wired headset. I was pretty impressed with the quality, but couldn’t see a lot of use for it day to day.

This weekend, however I was at Radio Shack to pick up some cable & a cordless phone to add an extension to my office. As they were having a store closing sale, I thought I’d checkto see if they had Hummer games cheap (they have a C64 on a chip in them, which I want to mod into a working C64 laptop/handheld). Right next to them, they had the Linksys cordless Skype phone. Coincidentilly, the sale price on the Linksys was the same as the spool of cable and the cordless I had in my hands. So I picked up the Linksys, took it home, and gave it whirl. Read More »Free & Cordless Skype

Toms Networking Reviews Asterisk@Home

Tom’s Networking has a nice review of Asterisk@Home – it’s a nice read aimed at the tech literate who might be somewhat new to VoIP. If you’re looking for a live linux asterisk distro, Asterisk@Home is my personal preference.

VoIP growls on OS X

From Om Malik’s weblog: If you love OS-X, then there is more good news coming your way, thanks to yeoman’s effort by Benjamin Kowarsch, the genius who developed an OS-X installer for Asterisk, the open source PBX system. (You can… Read More »VoIP growls on OS X

More Lessons on Skype

Interesting blog entry on VoIP / Skype: I like his point on branding. This is the 2nd of two posts. The 1st is worth reading as well.

AstLinux VoIP server

AstLinux 0.2.4 VoIP server is now available. I’ve looked at this as an alternate to Asterisk@Home. The nice thing about this distro is that it can be booted from Flash ROM, USB, or CD – making it possible to make… Read More »AstLinux VoIP server